miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2009
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- Socio-economic context: The economy, rather poor, is based on Agriculture. The pasture are the major groundnut, millet and the rice fields; pasture others are those of the palm and cotton Olier. The livestock of some importance is livestock bovine, ovine and cabrini. Logging is scarce, despite the extraction of mahogany, bamboo and some palm trees. River fishing leads to a small export Ghana, but fishing the Atlantic that has a good future. Most mining is, there are heavy deposits of metallic minerals (ilmenite, rutile and zircon). Industry, developed slightly, in some processing industries: exclofoliada and olive products from peanuts and rice to Banjul. Transport takes place mainly by the River Gambia, one of Africa's best navigable Occidental. The other communities are very poor: lack of rail and road network is 2388 km passable throughout the year. Foreign trade is very poor: in 1990 exports accounted for only 20.4% of imports, which consist principalemtente food (33%), followed by basic manufactures (20%) and fuels and lubricants (9% ). Imports out of the fish (13%), peanut meal (2.5%) and exports (41%). Over 50% of trade in The Gambia is the echo of the countries of the EEC (European Economic Community). The economy is very fragile because it depends on the extracted minerals and monoculture peanuts, affected by low international prices and erratic rainfall.
Socio-cultural Context: Gambia's population is made up of groups of blacks Sudani Mandinga (42% total), Fulani (18%), Wolof (10%), Diola (9%) and other minorities such as native and sere aku. The annual growth rate is 25.8 per thousand births (47.5 per thousand), The unemployment rate is 50%, the infant death rate to 122 per thousand, the literacy is 28% of the Hope life is half of 48 years. The population is essentially rural (78 per thousand), less the capital, Banjul, no other urban center is less than 25,000 inhabitants. The official language is English, but there are very social dialects estendidosm especially the Mandingo and Wolof. 80% are Muslim, the rest are animists i, i Protestant Catholics. Primary education begins at 8 years old, is free but not compulsory and lasts for 6 years. There isn't university. 1997 which introduced the study of Alcora at all levels of learning. The president, elected by universal suffrage every 5 years, is commander of the armed forces and has the executive power. The legislature is the House of Representatives, composed of 49 members, of whom 35 are elected by universal suffrage, 5 appointed by the assembly of tribal chiefs, 8 nominated members without voting rights and the prosecutor general. The largest political party People's Progressive Party, founded in 1959. Gambia is a member of the UN, the OAU, the Commonwealth and the Organization for Desenvolupamiento River Gambia.
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